Education ~The Land of Papua

Vocational Competency Exam in Jayapura City Aims to Elevate Graduates’ Quality

Vocational Competency Exam in Jayapura City Aims to Elevate Graduates’ Quality Image : Antaranews – In Jayapura City, Papua, the Department of Education and Culture Ministry is employing the Vocational Competency Exam (UKK) as a crucial tool to gauge and enhance the quality of graduates, particularly from Vocational High Schools (SMK).

Kresencia Lesomar, the SMK Development Supervisor at the Department of Education and Culture Ministry of Jayapura City, emphasized the significance of vocational competency as the pinnacle of the classroom learning process. Lesomar remarked during her supervision of the UKK at SMK Negeri 2 Jayapura, stating, “Thus, students can assess their quality, enabling them to prepare themselves to enter the workforce in various fields relevant to their majors.”

The implementation of UKK, according to Lesomar, facilitates schools in evaluating students’ proficiency in comprehending the materials covered over three years of the learning journey.

Hilda Heryanti, the Deputy Head of the Curriculum Department at SMK Negeri 2 Business and Management Jayapura, disclosed that for the academic year 2023-2024, there were 284 participants in the UKK, representing five vocational programs.

“These vocational programs encompass majors in accounting and institutional finance, office service and business service management, marketing, tourism service businesses, as well as computer engineering and telecommunications networks,” explained Heryanti.

The UKK, held from March 5th to 7th, 2024, saw examiners from 10 business and industrial sectors collaborating with SMK Negeri 2 Jayapura. Among these examiners are renowned entities such as Kimia Farma, Alfamidi, Telkom Papua, and the Indonesian Association of Papua Tour Guides.

Sukardi, the Chairman of the UKK Committee at SMK Negeri 2 Business and Management Jayapura, noted, “After the UKK, it will be followed by a computer-based school exam scheduled for March 18th to 22nd, 2024.”

The UKK initiative not only aims to evaluate students’ competencies but also fosters partnerships between educational institutions and industries, bridging the gap between academic learning and practical application, ultimately preparing students for the challenges of the workforce.